RAILWAYS 给不能传达爱的大人们RAILWAYS 愛を伝えられない大人たちへ(2011)

又名:铁道2:给无法传递爱的大人们 / 致不会表达爱的人 / Crossroads


主演:三浦友和 余贵美子 小池荣子 中尾明庆 吉行和子 塚本高史 

导演:藏方政俊 / 编剧:小林弘利 Hirotoshi Kobayashi/ブラジリィー・アン・山田

RAILWAYS 给不能传达爱的大人们:在线播放

RAILWAYS 给不能传达爱的大人们:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2023-09-18 kuvun.org.【1080p超清中文字幕】railways 给不能传达爱的大人们 railway
2019-12-24 Crossroads.2011.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT
日期 资源名称
2019-11-06 Crossroads.2011.JAPANESE.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT
日期 资源名称
2023-08-14 kuvun.org.crossroads.2011.1080p.bluray.x264.dts-ct
2019-11-06 crossroads.2011.japanese.1080p.bluray.x264.dts-fgt
日期 资源名称
2023-02-14 railways.2011.2160p.hq.web-dl.h265.aac-numtv[btbtt
日期 资源名称
2019-11-06 Crossroads.2011.JAPANESE.BRRip.XviD.MP3-VXT

RAILWAYS 给不能传达爱的大人们:最新字幕下载

日期 资源名称
2022-01-15 Crossroads.2011.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT

RAILWAYS 给不能传达爱的大人们:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Railway driver Takishima Toru works everyday without thinking about anything else. He just realizes he is 59 years-old with only month to go for mandatory retirement. His wife Sawako has always supported him as a faithful housewife. She is 55-years-old. The couple prepare to start a new life in their retirement years. One day, Sawako declares that she will work again as a nurse. She quit her job prior to their marriage. Toru doesn't understand his wife's desire to go back to work. They argue over the matter and Sawako leaves their home. A crack in their relationship gets wider. Finally, Sawako asks for a divorce .
平凡小镇富山,年近60的泷岛彻(三浦友和 饰)是一名有着42年驾驶经验的资深电车司机。他保持着35年无故障的记录,一心扑在工作的同时则忽略了与家人的交流。再过一个月泷岛将迎来退休的时刻,他一面计划着退休后和妻子佐和子(余贵美子 饰)的悠闲度假生活,一面又百感交集,恋恋不舍这个奉献毕生的岗位。然而佐和子却向他提出希望重返护士岗位的要求,本就心存芥蒂的二人为此大吵,佐和子更是愤而出走。来到公司,心情烦闷的泷岛又不得不承担起培养新人小田的重任。他始终无法知晓,妻子心中怀有怎样的秘密与感受。   退休的日子越来越近,而泷岛夫妇的婚姻似乎走到了尽头……
