

主演:Sadashiv Amrapurkar 阿尔沙德·瓦尔西 阿希瑟·维德亚迪 

导演:马德哈尔·班达卡 / 





Plot Summary:Rajeshwar Raja is the uncrowned don of of the criminal world in Bombay, India. Working under his directions are Hasan Lalla and Hamid Pathan. Then Hasan Lalla decides to separate, and forms his own gang, which does not auger well with Raja. Things get worse between the two, resulting in a gang war resulting in many casualties on both sides, with the police stepping in and taking advantage of this situation. Then one day while Hamid is being attacked by Hasan's men, three men, Bajrang, Sagar Malhotra, and Mahesh alias Munnabhai, come to his rescue, & ensure that he is admitted in hospital for his injuries. A grateful Raja recruits the three in his gang, and asks them to attempt to bring Hasan down, which they agree to do. When the underworld finds out about the daring deeds of these three, and the manner in which Hasan has been subdued and forced to retreat, they start believing that Raja is no longer in control, resulting in Raja feeling threatened, and deciding to end his ...
