No Cell Phones Allowed(2009)


主演:Natasha Alam Nicky Hackman Crystal Coney 

导演:Brad Bahmanpour / 编剧:Brad Bahmanpour

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No Cell Phones Allowed:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A young couple expecting their first baby visit an open house in the Marina with beautiful views and great architecture. They meet the friendly real estate agent in the gorgeous back yard . They look around and decide they want to see more but before they can enter the house they have to agree not to use their cell phones while inside. The real estate agent informs them that there is a No Cell Phones Allowed policy inside the house. At first the couple resist and tell the agent they are waiting for an important call, but the beauty of the house speaks to them and they finally agree to the No Cell Phones Allowed rule. As they enter the house the young wife feels that someone is watching them, then her cell phone starts to vibrate ....
