铁甲学堂续集之非常插班生Class of 1999 II: The Substitute(1994)




导演:斯皮罗 / 拉扎托斯 / (Spiro / Razatos) / 编剧:马克 塞维 (Mark Sevi)



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Class.of.1999.II.The.Substitute.1994.INTERNAL.WEB.
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Class of 1999 2 (1994) DVDrip XviD.avi ( Blueshiff


日期 资源名称
2021-07-26 铁甲学堂续集之非常插班生 Class.of.1999.II.The.Substitute.1994.


Plot Summary:In this sequel to the 1990 move "Class of 1999", the future is still a violent metropolis where gangs rule the hallways and themes like education and higher learning are a mere memory. Jenna McKensie is a young, sweet high school teacher who witnesses the killing of one of her students by lethal gang member, Sanders. Jenna wants to testify, but Sanders and his group use intimidation and fear as a means to keep Jenna from talking to the authorities, which greatly upsets her boyfriend Emmett who wants to stomp Sanders and his gang out. Though Jenna refuses to be intimidated, she begins to ponder whether or not her actions will improve things at the decaying high school where she works. Enter John Bolen, a stone faced substitute teacher who is not predisposed with putting up with crap like his fellow faculty members are. John is definitely a teacher who believes in discipline...extremely strict discipline. When students are out of line to the point where the principal can't control them,...
在1990年的《1999年班》的续集里,未来仍然是一个暴力的大都市,在这里,帮派统治着走廊,而像教育和高等教育这样的主题仅仅是一种记忆。Jenna McKensie是一名年轻的高中教师,她见证了她的一名学生被歹徒杀害。詹娜想要作证,但桑德斯和他的团队用恐吓和恐惧来阻止詹娜与当局对话,这让她的男友埃米特非常难过,她想让桑德斯和他的同伙出局。尽管詹娜拒绝被吓倒,但她开始思考,她的行为是否会改善她所在的正在衰落的高中的生活。约翰·博伦是一位面无表情的代课老师,他不会像他的同事一样,忍受着像他一样的废话。约翰绝对是一个相信纪律的老师……非常严格的纪律。当学生们超出了校长无法控制的程度。
