弗拉卡西上尉Le Capitaine Fracasse(1943)


主演:费尔南·格拉韦 阿西娅·诺里斯 雅克·弗朗索瓦 

导演:Abel Gance / 





Plot Summary:In the first half of the XVIIth century which barely emerges from the baroque ornaments of the previous eras, lived in Gascogne, at the castle of Misère, the young baron of Sigognac, completely ruined. A troop of traveling comedians stopped in the courtyard of the manor, Sigognac offered them hospitality, noticed the beauty of Isabelle who played the ingenuous and conceived the plan to follow Thespis' carriage in his wanderings. The old actor who had hitherto played Matamore, who had just died, leaping and youthful Sigognac was going to replace him advantageously. Under the name of Captain Fracasse, he would both arouse the enthusiasm of the amazed populations and dispute Isabelle with a dangerous rival, the Duke of Vallombreuse. A duel pitted the two men against a cemetery in Poitiers. Everyone recognized the value of the opponent, but, by cunning, Vallombreuse had Isabelle removed to lock him in his castle. It was to count without SigognacFracasse which arises, there again. A new ...
