我们的绝望Bizim Büyük Çaresizliğimiz(2011)

又名:我们伟大的绝望 / 那一年,我们不能追的女孩 / 友情的试炼 / Our Grand Despair


主演:Ilker Aksum 法提赫·阿尔 Gunes Sayin 塔勒·比尔瑟尔 巴吉·达弗拉克 穆罕默德·阿里·努罗谷 Beril Boz Damla Kabakci Durak Bulbuk Tamer Yurtbasi Meliha Corek Ilker Burma Selim Gürata 

导演:萨飞·托曼 / 编剧:Baris Bicakci



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Bizim.Buyuk.Caresizligimiz.(Our.Grand.Despair).201
2019-05-12 Bizim Buyuk Caresizligimiz (H megali mas..) 2011 D
2019-05-12 小易甫字幕组出品《我们的绝望》(2011)



Plot Summary:The peaceful cohabitation of bachelors Ender and Cetin is disrupted when they allow a friend's sister to move in with them. The 30-something longtime friends are overwhelmed by the presence of the uncommunicative Nihal. What possessed them to accept the responsibility of a university student in their home? Especially a girl struggling with the trauma of recently losing her parents in a car accident. But simple daily rituals like sharing meals eventually bring the three roommates together for more pleasant moments. Nihal soon comes out of her depressed shell and the two men discover a vibrant beautiful young woman. Always caring and protective gentlemen, Ender and Cetin are intent on being conscientious guardians. Nihal enjoys discussing literature and poetry with scholarly Ender, and she finds comfort in boisterous Cetin's earthy humor. Nihal is touched by the men's loyal friendship: in a sort of bromance since high school, Ender and Cetin now seem like an old married couple... Before...
安德(法提赫·阿尔 Fatih Al 饰)和赛丁(巴吉·达弗拉克 Baki Davrak 饰)是从小玩到大的一对好友,成年后,分居两地的两人渐渐没有了联系。一晃眼几十年过去,两个男孩都步入中年,在这个节骨眼上,赛丁回到了故乡,和安德重逢了。一见如故的两人发现他们彼此都没有忘记儿时的梦想,于是决定住到一起,将曾经的梦想化为现实。   费克雷是安德和赛丁共同的好友,在一场车祸中,他受了非常严重的上,于是,费克雷将自己的妹妹尼哈尔(Gunes Sayin Gunes Sayin 饰)托付给了两位好友照顾,就这样,尼哈尔加入了这个“两口之家”。哥哥的车祸给尼哈尔的心灵带来了很大的伤害,为了帮助日渐自闭的女孩重新找回快乐,安德和赛丁想尽了各种方法。
