良知的不安: 1933-1945年德国内部对希特勒的抵抗(1992)



导演:Hava Kohav Beller / 编剧:Hava Kohav Beller

良知的不安: 1933-1945年德国内部对希特勒的抵抗:在线播放

良知的不安: 1933-1945年德国内部对希特勒的抵抗:最新迅雷BT资源

良知的不安: 1933-1945年德国内部对希特勒的抵抗:最新字幕下载

良知的不安: 1933-1945年德国内部对希特勒的抵抗:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In 1944, at least 170 German citizens were brought to trial and convicted as participants in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This was not an isolated act, but rather the last of more than 20 attempts to overthrow the Nazi Regime. Powerful and provocative, Academy Award nominee THE RESTLESS CONSCIENCE explores the motivating principles and activities of the anti-Nazi resistance inside Germany from 1933 to 1945. The film is a deeply moving portrayal of individual destinies, focusing on the moral and political evolution of individuals whose conscience was at odds with an overpowering national consensus. Hava Kohav Beller's THE RESTLESS CONSCIENCE highlights the tension between individual responsibility to a personal ethical code, and to a tyrannical political system. In telling their story, the film recognizes those who, despite mortal danger to themselves and their families, had the courage to uphold essential human values.
