刀的哲学Philosophy of a Knife(2008)


主演:Yukari Fujimoto Yumiko Fujiwara Svyatoslav Iliyasov 

导演:Andrey Iskanov / 编剧:Andrey Iskanov




Plot Summary:The true history of Japanese Unit 731, from its beginnings in the 1930s to its demise in 1945, and the subsequent trials in Khabarovsk, USSR, of many of the Japanese doctors from Unit 731. The facts are told, and previously unknown evidence is revealed by an eyewitness to these events, former doctor and military translator, Anatoly Protasov. Part documentary and part feature, the story is shown from the perspective of a young Japanese nurse who witnessed many of horrors, and a young Japanese officer who is torn between his sincere convictions that he is serving the greater purpose, and the deep sympathy he feels for an imprisoned Russian girl. His life is a living hell as he's compelled to carry out atrocious experiments on the other prisoners, using them as guinea pigs in this shocking tale of mankind's barbarity. "Philosophy of a Knife" is truly one of the most violent, brutal and harrowing movies ever made.
20世纪上半叶,战争的阴影笼罩全球,久久不退。生命的价值日渐低微,众生被迫成为利益集团的牺牲品与实验品。东亚一隅,明治维新后的日本不断壮大,其向外扩张的野心也不断膨胀。数次对俄战争的胜利,让这个民族变得愈发狂热。然而随着战争规模的扩大,资源短缺成为了限制日军继续扩张的首要难题。时德、苏等国的科学家不断开发生化武器,陆军中将石井四郎相风而动,提议建立生化部队,这便是日后臭名昭著的满洲731部队。在抗日战争期间,这支魔鬼部队对战俘、当地百姓进行了无数灭绝人性的实验,时至今日,鬼魂的哀号仍在满洲上空久久回荡……   本片采取剧情和记录的手法制作,素材来自前苏联军事翻译人员Anatoliy Protasov。该片发行前夕曾受俄国联邦安全局调查。
