A Lesson in Labor(1916)



导演:保罗·鲍威尔 / 

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A Lesson in Labor:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:John Seward 2nd brings his son, John 3rd, up to take charge of Seward mills and continue the Seward system of \"every cog must show its profit.\" The young man is affianced to Eleanor Janeway, daughter of a rich mother. The elder Seward dies and the first order of the new Seward head is to discharge all employees over 50. This discharges Walsh, one of the most respected workmen in the place. Walsh's son, a capable young fellow, plots a reckoning and kidnaps Seward and his fiancée, Eleanor, from Seward's yacht. Walsh takes Eleanor and Seward to lonely shore of an island and there at a first physical encounter beats him into a state of semi-slavery. He works his young master in a fashion of work Seward never realized existed. Seward is injured and Walsh takes care of him. In turn Walsh is injured just as the searching party finds Seward and his captor. Seward, however, has learned that the lesson of work. He tells the searchers that he left the yacht as an experiment. Walsh is not arrested. Back at the mill Seward rescinds his order. The old man returns to work and his act, together with the experience on the island, creates in him and Eleanor a feeling of mutual respect and love they would not have enjoyed except for the drastic methods of Walsh.
