Frasier, the Sensuous Lion(1973)


主演:迈克尔·卡兰 凯瑟琳·贾斯蒂斯 马克·劳伦斯 洛丽·桑德斯 Peter Lorre Jr. 

导演:Pat Shields / 编剧:Sandy Dvore

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Frasier, the Sensuous Lion:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The secret to Frasier the lion's ability to father a record number of cubs is sought by zoologist Marvin Feldman (Michael Callan), who travels to the California Lion Country Safari to study the beast. Once there, the astonished zoologist discovers that Frasier can speak and that the lion is being hunted by a rich man (Frank DeKova) who wants to kill the animal in order to attain his sexual prowess. It is up to Marvin to come up with a way to foil the billionaire and save Frasier's life.
