牛津风云A Yank at Oxford(1938)



主演:罗伯特·泰勒 费雯·丽 莫琳·奥沙利文 莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔 埃德蒙·戈温 格里菲斯·琼斯 C.V.弗朗斯 爱德华·瑞格比 莫顿·塞尔滕 克劳德·吉林沃特 塔利·马绍尔 沃尔特·金斯福特 罗伯托·库特 彼得·克劳夫特 诺尔·霍莱特 

导演:杰克·康威 / 编剧:马尔科姆·斯图尔特·博伊兰 Malcolm Stuart Boylan/沃尔特·费里斯 Walter Ferris/乔治·奥本海默 George Oppenheimer/莱昂·戈登 Leon Gordon/西德尼·吉里亚特 Sidney Gilliat/迈克尔·霍根 Michael Hogan/约翰·蒙克·桑德斯 John Monk Saunders



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 A Yank at Oxford [1938 - UK] Robert Taylor and Viv



Plot Summary:Lee Sheridan's ego has always been stoked by his newspaper publisher father, Dan Sheridan, who is willing to "hold the presses" solely to print Lee's many sporting accomplishments as they happen. Because he is as good as he says in those sporting accomplishments, Lee is generally well liked by his colleagues at Lakedale State College in his hometown of Lakedale despite that ego. It is because of those sporting feats that Lee is offered a scholarship to attend Oxford. Lee expects to be as welcomed at Oxford as he has been his entire life, but is slow to learn that his brash American sensibilities mean more to his staid Oxford classmates than his sporting accomplishments, that brashness which turns off the first three Oxford students he meets on the train. It is because of their rough treatment of him, especially by Paul Beaumont, that makes Lee reconsider his stay in England. Lee does decide to stay and make a name for himself in a good way, partly to impress Molly Beaumont, Paul's ...
本片描述一个美国大学生在驰名四海的大学生城——牛津遇到的厄运。而这一切都归咎于这位美国人在一个注重传统而又保守的国家中仍然保持天真无邪。当然,对于老英国的讽刺是一点也不尖锐的,虽然主人公利·谢里登由于误会而被迫离开了大学。影片结束时,真相大白,谢里登在仇人的情夫受到其丈夫的追踪时,叫她躲在自己的住所。后来他又参加了四对桨划船比赛,帮助牛津的选手战胜了来自剑桥的对手。   这部片子使费雯丽摆脱了天真少女的角色框框,扮演了一位有性格的人物,对这种人物来说,外貌并没有多大意义。满头卷发、浓妆艳抹的她,此番不是以美丽取胜,而是以一个轻浮的小市民的鲜艳形象引人注目。这个女人活泼自然,热爱生活,厚颜无耻之中又带有天真无邪。
