探案新窍门 第八季New Tricks(2011)


主演:艾伦·阿姆斯特朗 詹姆斯·伯拉姆 丹尼斯·瓦特曼 阿曼达·雷德曼 

导演:Philip John / 编剧:J.C. Wilsher/Roy Mitchell/Nigel McCrery

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探案新窍门 第八季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In 2001 pathologist Bob Ruxton gave a verdict of accidental death on palaeontologist Bernard Fletcher, who died from a supposed fall at a dinner given by Mondial Oil Company in Bernard's museum. Now that verdict is declared unsound and the UCOS team reopen the case. Bernard supported ecology and disapproved of Mondial's work but, though married, he was a ladies' man having an affair with colleague Marie Braden. Marie's ex-boyfriend, Mark Slater quit the museum to set up as a trader in fossils, a lucrative business and it was alleged that Bernard sacked him for stealing exhibits. Mark would also seem to be the lover of Sarah, wife of James Winslow, Mondial's managing director. Bernard was certainly murdered but was the motive marital jealousy or greed? Jack is amazed when Bob Ruxton drops a bombshell.
BBC的关于大都会警察局“悬疑旧案”部门的喜剧。小组的头是女DS桑德拉普尔曼,既然是和旧事有关,索性就招聘了3个退休侦探:杰克把死去的爱妻埋在后院每天和她聊天,盖里年轻时有名的花心如今要和三个前妻四个女儿共进晚餐,布莱恩是个强迫症、前酒徒和阴谋论者。标题取自一句老话:“You can't teach an meijubar.net old dog new tricks(老家伙学不来新窍门)”。这帮老家伙却成功地在新时代用他们的经验和技,那些疑难案件正中了看似过时的老窍门的道。
