法兰西小镇 第七季Un village français(2016)

主演:萨比恩·克洛森 罗宾·瑞努奇 Thierry Godard 奥德雷·弗勒罗 

导演:Jean-Philippe Amar / 

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法兰西小镇 第七季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Servier and Larcher face trial for collaboration. Gustave's involvement in the black market with Jerome deepens. Lucienne's grief lingers while the identity of Kurt's grave, buried under an alias, threatens to be revealed. Antoine returns from military service searching for work and helps out an old comrade. The Villeneuve council is dissolved and political manoeuvring begins between the Gaullists and Communists. Hortense recovers from her public shaming but becomes increasingly paranoid. Beriot receives an anonymous letter.
