Micha Denkt Gross(2024)

又名:Micha Thinks Big


主演:查理·哈纳 Natalia Rudziewicz 耶迪斯·特里贝尔 乌尔里奇·布兰德霍夫 彼得·库尔特 Annett Sawallisch Bärbel Schwarz Jan Georg Schütte 

导演:拉尔斯·耶森 / Jan Georg Schütte / 

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Micha Denkt Gross:剧情介绍

It’s a hot, dry summer in Klein-Schappleben. Micha, a cocky video game designer, wants to turn his late parents’ dilapidated guesthouse into a luxury hotel and spa. The villagers are skeptical, even though Micha vociferously promises new jobs and prosperity. His plans, however, start to falter when the groundwater in the village dries up.
