加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季Garfield and Friends(1988)

又名:加菲猫 / 加菲猫和他的朋友

主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker Julie Payne Pat Buttram 

导演:Steve Clark / Jeff Hall / 编剧:Sharman DiVono/Mark Evanier

加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季:在线播放

加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Pusur og Vennene hans [Norsk Tale]
2019-05-12 Garfield i Przyjaciele - Sezon 1 *1988* [DVDRip] [
2019-05-10 Garfield And Friends - Volume 3AVI
2019-05-10 Garfield And Friends - Volume 1AVI

加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季:最新字幕下载

加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The star of the series was Garfield, a lazy feline whose only desires in life were lasagna, catnaps and kicking his hapless canine companion, Odie, off the table. The show also starred Garfield's hopelessly-single owner, Jon Arbuckle. Each Garfield adventure featured Garfield's adventures and run-ins with the cast of semi-regulars (including Neurmal, an irksome kitty; Binky the Clown and the mice which inhabited Jon's house); most were satires on American life and pop culture. Each show also featured "U.S. Acres," another of Davis' strips; this strip was set in a barnyard and featured the adventures of such characters as Orson Pig, Wade Duck, Roy Rooster, Bo and Lanolin the sheep, Booker the chick and Sheldon, an unhatched egg.
全身长着橙色皮毛的加菲猫是一只生长在大都会内一个平凡街区的猫儿,他天生具有哲人般的怪想法和似乎有无止境的旺盛食欲。比萨、猪肉卷、意大利面、蛋糕乃至各种无上美味且具含高热量高脂肪的食物都是加菲的最爱,而对于青菜、老鼠等等则嗤之以鼻。对他来说,美美的吃上一顿后再打个盹,这便是最完美的猫生。而那个身为漫画家的主人乔恩,毋宁说是老天专门派来服侍他的仆人;小狗欧弟则当仁不让是加菲解闷找乐的首选对象。加菲猫自私、小气、贪婪、懒惰、虚荣、自恋,可是却得到了全世界的宠爱……   本片根据吉姆·戴维斯(Jim Davis)的同名漫画作品改编。
