信蜂 REVERSEテガミバチ REVERSE(2010)

又名:Tegamibachi REVERSE

主演:泽城美雪 藤村步 永泽菜教 小西克幸 小清水亚美 水树奈奈 菅沼久义 岸尾大辅 石川英郎 中井和哉 福山润 堀江由衣 游佐浩二 

导演:岩永彰 / 神户守 / 福岛利规 / 佐藤光敏 / 小高义规 / 柳屋圭宏 / 土屋浩幸 / 北川正人 / 大原实 / 石田畅 / 福田皖 / 筱崎康行 / 山门郁夫 / 松本正幸 / 编剧:浅田弘幸 Hiroyuki Asada/赤星政尚 Akahoshi Masanao/吉冈孝夫 Takawo Yoshioka/伊藤美智子 Michiko Ito/会川升 Shô Aikawa

信蜂 REVERSE:在线播放

信蜂 REVERSE:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2020-02-10 Tegami Bachi Reverse (Ep. 1-25) [Eng Sub][360p] la

信蜂 REVERSE:最新字幕下载

信蜂 REVERSE:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A young boy with silver hair is shocked and frightened when a group of mysterious men burst into his home and kidnap his mother. That same day, a handsome young mail man with similar silver hair introduces himself as Gauche Suede and informs the boy, named Lag Seeing, that he is a package to be delivered to his aunt by the Letter Bee mailing system. Lag reluctantly follows Gauche at first, but when Gauche tells Lag why the mailing system exists, Lag is strongly moved and begins to appreciate Gauche's efforts. When the time comes to stay with his aunt, Lag is saddened that Gauche must leave him. However, Lag begins to realize that this isn't goodbye forever, because he learns that he can apply to become a Letter Bee himself. When Lag passes for entry into the job role of a Bee, a rigorous path laden with monsters lies before him on his way to finding Gauche again.
