The Price of Gold(1913)


主演:Dorothy Phillips Frank Dayton E.H. Calvert Dolores Cassinelli Bryant Washburn 


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Plot Summary:Which would you choose, providing you could have your choice in the matter? A husband with lots of money, one that you could not love, or a husband without money, one that you adored? This was the terrible question that confronted Lois Roberts. She had lived almost all her young life in want, so chose the former. Her sweetheart of old, gave her up only too unwillingly and went back to his work as a railroad engineer. The empty life Lois led in all her wealth and splendor, did not satisfy the woman who had decided to live without love. A short visit to her sister in the country who had married a man in moderate circumstances and was blessed with two loving children, awoke in Lois the spirit of motherhood. Lois returned to her beautiful mansion, after she had seen her former sweetheart for the last time. Here we leave Lois to sob out her grief in not having married the man she loved.
