Behind the Front(1926)


主演:华莱士·比里 雷蒙德·哈顿 玛丽·布莱恩 理查德·阿伦 Hayden Stevenson 切斯特·康克林 汤姆·肯尼迪 弗朗西丝·雷蒙德 Melbourne MacDowell Jerry Mandy 查尔斯·沙利文 格特鲁德·阿斯特 

导演:A·爱德华·萨瑟兰 / 编剧:Monte Brice/Ethel Doherty

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Behind the Front:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:During World War I a young man joins the army and winds up befriending another young recruit, not knowing that it's the same pickpocket who stole his watch. After finishing basic training, the two are sent to the front lines in France, where they wind up in trouble with the MPs, getting involved with some cute French girls and "volunteering" for a dangerous front-line mission, and their antics result in their endangering the armistice.
