平行世界,平行生命Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives(2007)


主演:Mark Oliver Everett 

导演:BBC / 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 PBS Nova - Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives (2008.H
2019-05-11 PBS Flying The Secret Sky 2008 x264 AAC HDTV
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 BBC Parallel Worlds Parallel Lives
2019-05-11 Nova - Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives
2019-05-11 Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives.avi
2019-05-11 PBS.Nova-Parallel.Worlds.Parallel.Lives.avi
2019-05-11 BBC.Parallel.Worlds.Parallel.Lives
2019-05-11 PBS Independent Lens-Helvetica.Dec 13, 2008.WS-PDT
2019-05-11 PBS Now~Prisons for Profit 2008
2019-05-11 PBS-Frontline-The Hugo Chavez Show-Nov 25, 2008
2019-05-11 PBS-Now-2008-11-28-Obama's challenge
2019-05-11 Carol Burnett - A Woman of Character (TV) [2008] P
2019-05-11 PBS.American.Experience[2008]Oswald's.Ghost



Plot Summary:Mark Oliver Everett, singer of the band EELS, on his quest to get to know his later father, quantum physicist Hugh Everett III, who invented the Many Worlds theory. The film follows Mark on his journey across America, where he meets old friends and colleagues of his father. Hugh died of a heart attack in his home in 1982, where his body was found by 19-year-old Mark. Even though they had lived in the same house, the two of them were alienated. Only by entering the paradoxical world of quantum mechanics can Mark hope to understand why he was such a stranger to his own father.
美国Eels乐队的一名歌手Mark Oliver Everett将为你讲述他的天才父亲的传奇悲剧人生和神奇经历。他的父亲曾在24岁发表了一篇"多重世界"的物理论文,震惊了全世界,但物理学界并不买账,他的父亲只能放弃了量子物理学。现在这件事被认为是物理学界最严重的悲剧之一 ,他的理论如此超前以至于当时的人无法理解,50年后的今天人们才证明了他的理论...
