
又名:English:Crime Never Pays


主演:莫哈恩拉 Mahesh Anand 科钦·哈尼发 Geeta Manjula Rami Reddy 

导演:普利亚当沙 / 编剧:普利亚当沙 Priyadarshan





Plot Summary:Hari Kishan, a Telugu speaking young man comes to improve his life-style in Bombay, and gets to reside in the notorious slums of Kamathipura. Here he comes face to face with gangster who operate under full police protection, while the innocent pay a weekly fee as \"hafta\" to both the police and these gangsters - just to keep on living. Hari speaks to a political leader named Mudaliar, who in turn openly admonishes one of his henchmen, Abbas Ali. In turn Abbas decides to change sides, and moves to gangster Amar Bakia's side, and once there gets all the necessary support to kill Mudaliar. Mudaliar is shot dead in broad daylight. Hari witnesses this shooting, and avenges Mudaliar's death by killing Abbas. Now there is another gangster on the block - and his now known as Hari Dada. But Hari wants to be a gangster with a difference, and does not penalize the poor and the needy, and does away with the hafta system, thus incurring the wrath of Amar and the police. Hari is in love with a prostitute named Kiran, and would to marry her. When Amar offers Hari a partnership, Hari refuses, and Amar attempts to induce a member from Hari's gang to kill him, as he had arranged for Mudaliar. The person is has chosen is a very close friend of Hari. Will Hari meet the same fate as Mudaliar, or will he compromise with Amar and the police?
这是一个既充满动作又富人情味的故事,从多方面看友情和道义。故事中的主角:哈里、锡哈、班茜和高比是四个莫逆之交。他们居住的地方街霸横行,这些不法分子只手遮天,欺压穷人,甚至与警方狼狈为奸,经营不法场所,诈骗穷人的血汗钱。 一次街霸争夺地盘,他们锦布尔那区的老大梅得利被杀,而新上任的阿巴斯手段毒辣,哈里 看不过眼,径自执行法纪,把他杀了,人们因此拥戴哈里成为他们的老大。 另一方面,恶名昭彰的阿玛一直对锦布尔虎视眈眈,但是哈里并不同流合污,反而为穷人请命,对抗坏分子,遂得到人们的拥护,却成为阿玛和其它街霸的眼中钉......
