爱情缘约日记Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar(2006)



主演:萨尔曼·汗 希尔帕·谢蒂 Reema Lagoo 

导演:K.S. Adiyaman / 





Plot Summary:Ayaan lives a very wealthy lifestyle with his married brother, Karan and his wife, Anju; a younger sister, Yamini, and brother, Rahul; his mom, and grandma; and runs a garage. One day he meets with beautiful model, Ahana, and falls head over heels in love with her. She forgets her personal diary at his garage, and through this Ayaan woos, wins her heart, and both get married. Ahana soon finds out that despite of Ayaan's wealth, his family is very conservative and tradition-bound. This causes some bitterness between the newly-weds, which gets worse when she becomes pregnant and wants to abort the child. While visiting her mom on their dog's birthday, Ahana has an accident which results in a miscarriage. Ayaan blames her for losing the child, but his mother convinces him and he apologizes. Few months later, Ahana becomes pregnant again, and that's when she finds out that Ayaan had pulled wool over her eyes through her personal diary. Watch what happens when Ahana decides to get drunk on her birthday and expose Ayaan publicly.
本片是部点缀着幽默和爱情的社会家庭片。一个来自中产阶级家庭的英俊活力的年轻人Ayaan,爱上了模特Ahana,Ahana是个出身于一个极自由开明家庭的富家女。之后,两人结了婚,满心期待着幸福美满的生活。   但是事与愿违,完美的开局之后,Ahana发现自家的家庭教养习惯和Ayaan家完全不同,她和Ayaan之间也有种种小差异。奉信家庭和睦至上的Ayaan能不能左右逢源调停老婆和家人的关系呢? 他的乐观精神是否能带动Ahana、弥和彼此的差异呢,这就是影片SHAADI KARKE PHAS GAYA YAAR的精彩所在。
