僵尸之夜Die nacht der lebenden Loser(2004)


主演:缇诺·麦威斯 曼努尔·科特兹 Thomas Schmieder Collien Ulmen-Fernandes 

导演:Mathias Dinter / 编剧:Mathias Dinter



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Night.Of.The.Living.Dorks.2004.NTSC.DVDR_DPiMP - C



Plot Summary:The school friends Philip, Wurst and Konrad are high-school losers: Philip desires the sexy Uschi, an easy girl for successful boys; the complex Konrad lists all the humiliations he has been submitted in school; and Wurst only cares to dope himself and smoke pot. Philip's next door gothic neighbor Rebecca has a non-corresponded crush on Philip. When Rebecca performs an ancient voodoo ritual in the cemetery with her friends, Philip and his friends arrive, mocking the ceremony and are accidentally blasted with zombie ashes from Haiti. Then, while driving his van, Wurst smokes marijuana but he has a car accident and the trio dies. However, they awake in the morgue and sooner they realize that they have become zombies. While seeking an antidote in the Necronomicon, Konrad, Wurst and Philip find the advantages of being zombies, becoming successful due to their recently acquired strength.
菲利普(缇诺·麦威斯 Tino Mewes 饰)、沃斯特(曼努尔·科特兹 Manuel Cortez 饰)和柯纳德(Thomas Schmieder 饰)是校园公认的怪咖,一场车祸中,三人命丧黄泉。奇怪的是,早已被确定死亡的三人很快就复活了过来,甚至拥有了特异功能,原来,在前不久,他们参加了一个可怕的招魂仪式,身上沾染了恶鬼的骨灰而不自知,如今,重获新生的三人决心返回校园,利用新得到的能力重振雄风。   一些令人担忧的迹象表明,虽然表面和常人无异,但菲利普一行人早已经不是“人类”了,其中“症状”最严重的要数柯纳德,他吃生肉,饮鲜血,俨然一幅丧尸的模样,最终甚至攻击并吃掉了一名教师,知道这时菲利普和沃斯特才意识到,如果不能“重新做人”,他们的下场都将和柯纳德一模一样。
