双头鹰之死L'aigle à deux têtes(1948)

又名:双头鹰 / The Eagle has Two Heads


主演:艾薇琪·弗伊勒 西尔维亚·蒙福尔 让·马雷 

导演:让·科克托 / 编剧:Jean Cocteau





Plot Summary:Political intrigue and psychological drama run parallel. The queen is in seclusion, veiling her face for the ten years since her husband's assassination, longing to join him in death. Stanislas, a poet whose pen name is Azrael, is a suicidal anarchist, his imagination haunted into hate by longing for this queen who's drawn apart. He enters her private quarters intent on killing her then himself, but they fall in love, in part because he looks like the king. Stanislas wants her to regain political power by appearing to the public, and she tries to convince him to find hope and escape. All the while, the queen's enemies plot to keep the lovers together but to thwart their plans.
故事发生在十九世纪的法国,皇后娜塔莎(艾薇琪·弗伊勒 Edwige Feuillère 饰)虽然拥有着美艳的外表,却终日佩戴着黑色面纱,永远生活在郁郁寡欢之中。她的丈夫在十年前遇刺身亡,这场悲剧如同乌云一般,即使在十年后的今天依然萦绕在娜塔莎的周围久久无法散去。   在一场舞会中,娜塔莎邂逅了诗人斯丹尼斯拉斯(让·马莱 Jean Marais 饰),让娜塔莎内心悸动的,是斯丹尼斯拉斯和亡夫分外相似的样貌。实际上,斯丹尼斯拉斯是一名无政府主义者,参加舞会的目的只有一个,那就是刺杀皇后,但娜塔莎并没有感到害怕,反而收留了这个男人,渐渐地,本该水火不容的两人之间产生了微妙的感情。
