Manay Po 2(2008)


主演:Polo Ravales John Prats Jiro Manio Cherry Pie Picache Rufa Mae Quinto Sid Lucero 

导演:Joel Lamangan / 编剧:Dinno Erece

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Manay Po 2:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Manay Po 2 continues the Manay Po story about a mother with 3 sons, 2 of whom are openly gay. The eldest son Oscar (Polo Ravales) is married to his business partner/boyfriend and the two are trying to have a son via artificial insemination and use of a surrogate mother. The woman named Bette (Rufa Mae Quinto) needs money and is willing to do anything for it, even being pregnant as a surrogate. Orwell (Jiro Manio), in his teens, is still confused about his sexuality and has a crush in school on his class's swimming instructor but cannot say it. Orson (John Prats), the only openly gay of the siblings, has become the campus queen, which angers Marky's girlfriend (EJ Jallorina). Problems arise between Oscar and his boyfriend when Bette demands more time with her. Bette dirty secret is that she has a live-in partner, who is revealed to be the one who stole the jewelry in the preceding film. The man steals the baby from Bette and tries to ransom it, but a timely intervention from Orson's ...
