超人动画版 第三季Superman(1998)

又名:超人 第三季 / Superman: The Animated Series

主演:蒂姆·达利 达娜·德拉尼 佩里·吉普林 威廉姆·H·梅西 彼得·盖勒 丹尼斯·海斯伯特 大卫·考夫曼 格雷格·白尔杰 John Mariano Debi Mae West 

导演:丹·瑞巴 / 

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超人动画版 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:While hunting the pyrokinetic supervillainess Volcana, Superman learns of a mysterious organization seeking her as well.
While hunting the pyrokinetic supervillainess Volcana, Superman learns of a mysterious organization seeking her as well.
