The Haunter of the Dark 2(2017)


主演:Dmitriy Khmelyov Sanek Ruslan Abdullaev Anton Alexandrov Quiet Baili Nikolay Chemodanov Max Gatelyuk Giza Jason Vladislav Krivenchuk Nikita Kuznetsov Viktor Murzikov Einar Show StarFasterDuck Alex Wesley 

导演:Dmitriy Khmelyov / 编剧:Dmitriy Khmelyov/H.P. Lovecraft

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The Haunter of the Dark 2:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Every night the beginning writer from Tver, Yuri Kartenko, sees nightmares in which the city of Providensk appears. In search of answers to his questions, he decides to go to this city, where soon begins a strange series of murders and disappearances .
