Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio(1983)

又名:O Teu Olho é a Minha Desgraça


主演:Johnny Dorelli Lino Banfi Janet Agren 阿德里安娜·鲁索 妲歌玛·拉丝珊德 

导演:Sergio Martino / 编剧:Mario Amendola

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Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Two episodes. In the first one, " Il pelo della disgrazia", Mr. Altomare's life is constantly threatened by his neighbor that in Altomare opinion is a jinx. Altomare is obsessed by him and will spend his time finding a way to neutralize his bad luck... In the second one, "Il Mago", Gaspare AKAS Le Grand Gaspar, is an inapt magician. His life will change when he meet a 318 years old witch that give him magic powers. Confident with this new situation Gapsare challenge the most famous Italian magician, but...
