他人的信Чужие письма(1975)

又名:Chuzhie pisma / Other People's Letters


主演:伊琳娜·库普琴科 Svetlana Smirnova Sergei Kovalenkov 

导演:伊利亚·阿维尔巴赫 / 编剧:Natalya Ryazantseva




日期 资源名称
2024-06-23 他人的信 Чужие письма (1975)
2021-05-21 他人的信(英文字幕)Chuzhie pisma(1975).Eng.rar
2019-05-12 他人的信(英文字幕)Chuzhie pisma(1975).Eng.rar


Plot Summary:Zina is sixteen. She is a manipulative schoolgirl living in a small Russian town among sincere and simple people. Zina is nice on the surface, but so unable to enjoy normal life, that she is desperately trying to hurt someone. She tries to seduce and compromise a handsome young man, but he is smart enough to see through her and escapes from her trap. Zina manipulates her classmates so she looks like a victim. Now Zina's teacher, Vera, a sweet and loving lady, takes care of her trying to save the troubled girl, but in return, Zina becomes extremely crafty to hurt the teacher.
