在你背后A tus espaldas(2011)

又名:Behind Your Back


主演:Lily Alejandra Jenny Nava Gabino Torres 

导演:Tito Jara / 





Plot Summary:The statue of the Virgin that crowns "The Panecillo" looks and smiles to the north of the city, home to wealthier people, in the south, where most of its inhabitants are the most poor, they only see her back. "Behind Your Back" is the story of Jorge Chicaiza Cisneros (Jordi), a young man working at a bank in Quito and whose main concern in life is to forget and hide his humble origins in the poor neighborhoods of the south city and his mestizo racial reality. His economic capacity, as a son of a migrant mother allows, him to change his name to Jordi Lamotta Cisneros, likewise change his home residence and activities. He likes wearing designer clothes, partying and spends all his moderate salary to car tuning. All this in order to impress the middle class of the northern part of the city and gain their acceptance, yet he knows he will never become part of the high social circles because as a mestizo. Jordi meets Greta by coincidence, a Colombian girl who has come to Ecuador to make a living, and later her corruptive best friend Yahaira. Greta has a secret affair with the nephew of the owner of the same bank where Jordi works, Luis Alberto Granada de la Roca, an ordinary marketing engineer which hides a series of dirty deals behind the work assigned by his uncle. Jordi, Greta, Yahaira, Luis Alberto, a strange lawyer, The Progressive Bank and the Virgin of The Panecillo, casually intertwine their lives in search of money, power and acceptance; in the process, they'll discover hidden realities and other accepted with resignation by Ecuadorian society.
基多面包山的圣母玛利亚雕像将城市一分为二。她面带笑容朝向北边的富人区二背对南边的穷人区。乔治齐开扎来自基多南部,却在北部的银行工作,他的主要顾虑便是隐藏他的卑微出生。为了在残酷的城市竞争中成为中产阶级的一员他换名更衣,改变自身习惯。在这一过程中他遇到格利塔,朱迪和刘易斯阿尔贝多,几个社会边缘人,一起寻求金钱财富与认同。Tito Jara(提多·哈拉)从来没有质疑过自己天生就该搞电影这个事实。尽管如此,他起初只是在厄瓜多尔学传媒,去西班牙转学了3D动画专业,之后并在古巴继续深造学习影视。回到厄瓜多尔之后,哈拉制作并拍摄了不少广告,音乐电视,也包括一些短片和纪录片。一切的经验与学习都是为了实现他制作电影的理想。《在你背后》是他的一部大屏幕故事片。
