一对科学家发明了一种能使任何有机或无机物质变成致命金属球的机器,却用它为非作歹,甚至拿活人做实验。他们的女儿洁西卡外出时邂逅了机车男戴尔,并与他一见钟情,殊不知戴尔的朋友们曾被其父母当作实验品使用。丧心病狂的科学家越做越离谱,最后竟用那些金属球将死者全部复活,变成了杀人不眨眼的恶魔,洁西卡和戴尔无意中成为了他们追杀的目标……此片是troma著名的恐怖伦理片,血腥的情节伴随着香艳镜头,是一部再普通不过的商业娱乐片了。片中许多精彩镜头都曾被某些电影模仿过(比如boogeyman),一些情节比如电脑会随意控制各种物品或无处不在充满杀机的金属球等片段都令人难以置信。A brilliant professor invents a computer machine meant to better society by altering the behavior of its subjects. Also, there's a sometimes effect that turns things into weird, little metal balls that attack people, as one unfortunate burglar finds out. His shut-in daughter also uses the machine like a video game, either unaware or uncaring of its real world effects on nearby machinery. Lastly, his daughter has a puppet that either has an AI or is alive that helps her make decisions about life. In league with a mysterious man, the professor's psychotic assistant gets a hold of it and she manipulates it to warp people's minds and turn them into murderous weapons. She selects three young college girls as her victims and invites them up to the professor's house for a weekend of torture and diabolical experiments. Accompanying the young women, are a pair of local sleazy barflies who are looking to score with the college girls. Over the course of the weekend, sexy hijinks ensue all the ...