孟菲斯(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是这个世界上最高明的窃车贼,人们形容他为“gone in 60 seconds”,即只要他盯上的车停在这里,他60秒内便能连人带车一起消失得无影无踪。孟菲斯终究厌倦了窃车贼的虽然惊险刺激但重压在身的生活,宣布金盘洗手 了。但他的弟弟却想步其后尘,不料很快就卷入了一次黑帮危险的交易中。孟菲斯为了救出兄弟,只好重操旧业,答应黑帮一晚内偷来50辆车。 不料,警察正在密切监视着孟菲斯。当他偷得最后一辆野马跑车时,警车、警察直升机尾随而至,展开了一场马路追逐……Car theft in Long Beach went down 47% when Randall "Memphis" Raines walked away from the life. He gets dragged back into it by assuming the job his brother Kip screwed up for stolen-car broker Raymond Calitri: steal 50 exotic cars and have them on a container ship by 8 AM Friday morning, and he got this news on a Monday. With Calitri threatening to kill him and Kip, and the police GRAB unit breathing down his neck, Memphis reassembles his old crew and attempts to pull off the logistically impossible.