少女沙织(柴崎幸 Kou Shibasaki饰)与母亲相依为命,父亲卑弥呼(田中泯 Min Tanaka饰)因为是一名同志而抛弃母女二人,离家多年。沙织一直生活在破碎的家庭阴影中,然而母亲也因癌症离她而去。一天,一位神秘男子春彦(小田切让 Jô Odagiri饰)找到沙织,告知她的父亲即将不久于人世,希望她能到老人院里当看护,陪卑弥呼走完最后的日子。沙织一直不肯原谅父亲,但是为了偿还母亲因病欠下的债务,她还是来到了老人院当看护。起初,沙织完全无法接受老人院的这些同志老人,更意想不到,面前这位英俊帅气的男孩春彦居然是自己父亲的现任爱人。 这部散发着幽幽感伤之情却不乏温情满满的同志题材影片,用细腻柔情的笔触描画着这份看似不可原谅的禁忌爱情。影片中满头银发的老同志们也为本片增色不少。Saori is a young woman who struggles to make a living, with no financial or romantic prospects in her life. One rainy day, she receives a visit at work from a handsome young man called Haruhiko. He claims to be the boyfriend of her estranged father, Himiko, who now runs a seaside rest home for elderly gays. He tells her that her father is dying of cancer. Saori still harbors resentment toward her father for abandoning her and her mother years ago. However, Haruhiko makes her a financial offer she can't refuse, and she agrees to go and work at House of Himiko.