本片基于七十年代风靡一时的同名家庭处境喜剧,描述了Brady家在九十年代的遭遇。Brady一家让人羡慕:一幢在城郊的大房子,工作稳定的丈夫Mike,持家有方的妻子Carol,以及一群乖巧的孩子。Brady家的邻居是贪婪的Dittmeyer夫妇,他们经营房地产经纪生意。Dittmeyer夫妇想将这片土地卖给发展商兴建大型商场,而Brady一家是最大的钉子户。Dittymeyer夫妇在Brady家信件中发现了一张过期税款通知单,这导致Brady一家在短时间内要筹到两万美元,否则他们的房子就会被拍卖。而这时候,几个孩子孤注一掷,参加了一场奖金高达两万美元的才艺比赛……Mike Brady and his wife Carol Brady have just only one week to come up with $20,000 in back taxes or their house is sold and they'll have no choice but to move. And it's up to the Brady kids to secretly raise money and save the homestead before they lose their house to their scheming neighbor Mr. Larry Dittmeyer.