猪麦最初作为游乐节目里的礼品来到了霍吉特的农场。这里的动物各司其职,坚守自己的岗位,猪麦只是其中不起眼的一员。 猪麦虽然显得笨头笨脑,却是心地善良,待人友善,渐渐受到各种动物的欢迎,高贵的牧羊犬更是对它关爱有加。牧羊犬夫妻Rex和Fly专司农场的羊群放养,Rex习惯用粗暴的方式对待它眼中愚蠢的羊群。猪麦为了证明自己的价值,向牧羊犬专心学起牧羊技术,不料从Rex那里学来的强硬招数却在羊群面前失了灵。幸好猪麦渐渐掌握了门道,技术进步迅速。 猪麦僭越本职的行为遭到了其他动物的不满,Rex也因为猪麦受到主人称赞而倍感生气。猪麦要去参加牧羊大赛啦!这事引来了众人嘲笑,却给了猪麦一个证明自己的机会。Gentle farmer Arthur Hoggett wins a piglet named Babe at a county fair. Narrowly escaping his fate as Christmas dinner when Farmer Hoggett decides to show him at the next fair, Babe bonds with motherly border collie Fly and discovers that he too can herd sheep. But will the other farm animals, including Fly's jealous husband Rex, accept a pig who doesn't conform to the farm's social hierarchy?