铁道工人灿科(斯特凡·德诺利博夫 Stefan Denolyubov 饰)在执勤的过程中,意外发现洒落遍地的钞票。忠厚老实的他,没想太多便决定报警处理。适逢弊案频传,首席公关尤莉娅(玛吉塔·戈施瓦 Margita Gosheva 饰)决定炒作他的义举,力图扭转政府形象。然而,精明干练的她,竟在表扬典礼上意外弄丢了灿科心爱的旧表,事后还不断敷衍搪塞,意图使人知难而退。归还了巨款却赔上父亲唯一遗物的灿科,决定不惜一切卯上国家,要回他仅有的珍宝与尊严。A reclusive railway worker in Bulgaria finds millions in cash spilled on the tracks and turns them in to the police. When Julia Staikova, the PR executive for the Transport Ministry, decides to use him as a diversion from a corruption scandal, his simple life falls victim of the chaos of bureaucracy.