美国内战结束后,曾经的陆军上校约翰和战友詹姆斯代领两队人马横穿墨西哥无人区,但均被匮乏让他们寸步难行,最后约翰只能把随从的马匹带到不受欢迎的墨西哥人那换钱,每头35美元成交。而此时詹姆斯答应代领这些墨西哥人逃离此地,生活在这里的墨西哥人内战爆发后被美国发横财的暴发户整得苦不堪言破产无家可归,他么渴望离开这里开始新的生活。正在这时这些美国来的强盗再次肆虐当地,约翰和詹姆斯凭借他们俩在军队中的经验战胜了强盗,带着墨西哥人奔往新的生活。After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.