惠特立为一名小说家,有一次偕同家人朋友到山中小屋度假,却意外见到天空发出奇怪的光芒,并且好像见到疑似外星人的面孔。刚开始他以为是错觉,但事后他发誓自己所见确有其事。于是他向心理医生求救,医生用催眠术,希望能找出线索,因而发现惠特立曾被外星人绑架过的事实。Whitley Strieber goes with his family and some friends to his holiday home in the forest. They experience some weird occurances, are they UFO activity? Whitley is abducted and then faces a horrible dilema; was I abducted or am I going mad? He sees a psychiatrist who tries to use hypnotic regression to discover the truth.