2045年,两极冰川融化,地球上仅存的石油和天然气在加拿大北部被人们发现了。剧中的Borealis镇是一个靠近北极的小镇,许多渴望占有这些宝贵资源的人云集于此,企业家、旅店业大亨Vic Carboneau也是其中之一。Vic声称自己最先发现这些东西,应该享有所有权,可各方势力都想要分一杯羹,一场多方战争一触即发(Vic友人之死成了导火索)。Borealis is a peek into the future, set in a globally warmed north. The year is 2045 and the ice caps have melted, enabling the discovery of the last oil and gas reserve on the planet are in the Canadian North. It's a future we have all seen coming for years. Borealis is the "gold rush" town that springs up to give ya anything you need. For a price.