谁也没有想到,一起惨无人道的女童虐杀案件竟会让全日本上下陷入疯狂。遇害者的爷爷蜷川隆兴(山崎努 饰)是在经济领域执牛耳的大人物,这名悲痛至极的老人在发行量最大的报纸上刊登悬赏启示,凡能杀死嫌疑人清丸国秀(藤原龙也 饰)的人,将得到10亿日元的酬金。这则前所未有的启示很快发生了作用,担心自身安全的清丸在福冈县投案自首,但为了将其押送回东京送检,还将跋涉一千多公里的路程。此时此刻,日本国民已经相继化身为为了金钱不惜动武杀人的阿修罗。危急关头,SP铭苅一基(大泽隆夫 饰)、白岩笃子(松岛菜菜子 饰)、奥村武(岸谷五朗 饰)、神箸正贵(永山绚斗 饰)以及关谷贤示(伊武雅刀 饰)等五名精英承担了押送的任务。交杂着人性和法律的抗争,恶魔清丸和保护他的警察踏上漫长而凶险的旅途…… 本片根据木内一裕的同名原作改编。After killing a 7-year-old girl, psychopath Kunihide Kyomaru turns himself in to the police. Since his victim was the daughter of one of the country's richest men, terminally ill billionaire Ninagawa, who buys ads in all the major papers offering a hefty reward for anyone who kills Kunihide. There are a few caveats, including a clause that the execution must be authorized by the government, but the consequences are clear: It's open season on Kunihide, who has nothing but five dedicated cops to protect him, led by security police lieutenant Kazuki Mekari.