70年代时,玛莎·库珀作为摄影师,在被其他人视为是象征着犯罪和贫穷的涂鸦作品里寻找玩味和创意。这些都被她记载在《地铁艺术》一书里。在涂鸦发展成为全球性文化运动的当今,人们分享艺术的途径也和过往的纪录方式大不相同,玛莎也开始寻找自己在这个新世界中的地位。该纪录片不仅带观众回顾了纽约涂鸦文化的发展史,也探讨了不同时代文化和科技的冲突与兼容。In 1970s New York, Martha Cooper captured the birth of the global graffiti art movement. Decades later, she is celebrated as the an icon, and at 75 years of age she continues to document not only the dynamic street art and graffiti movement but has also produced decades of photographs that capture the humanity and joy of people living on the fringes of society, within subcultures that, if not for Martha, would remain unseen.