2006年多伦多电影节 特别加映单元 10 Items Or Less是少量超市购物付款通道的专用通道名称,如果有了这个通道你就不会因为买一桶可乐,而排上数分钟队了。 既然是超市术语的篇名,故事自然也就发生在超市中了。一个大明星Morgan Freeman,一个小超市的收款员Paz Vega,他们偶然又必然的相遇在一个洛杉矶郊外的超市中,所有的人都在这里发现一个全新的自我,无论是工作或是生活都充满喜悦。本片讲述了一位被遗弃在陌生环境中的著名演员对生活产生的感悟,是一个充满人情味的温馨故事,见证了大明星与平凡人之间的珍贵友情。 作为一部轻喜剧片《10 Items Or Less》的首映式是在2006年9月份多伦多电影节上,12月1日杀回美国上映。A well-known actor, who hasn't accepted a role in four years, is considering a project. The cousin of the director drives him to Archie's Ranch Market, in Carson, and drops him off to do a little research. He's fascinated by one of the checkers, Scarlet, a young woman from Spain with a preternatural ability to ring up items at the cash register. She hates her job, stuck at the 10 items or less lane. The actor chats her up, and when her shift ends, he asks for a ride. In the course of the afternoon, he helps her prepare for a job interview. She needs to have confidence, he needs to commit. Human contact, however brief, can change people.