一个想拍摄出恐怖纪录片的剧组在网路上发布了试镜公告,表明他们要找寻隐藏于现实生活中的骇人怪物,没想到有三个自称兽行者、吸血鬼与恶魔的报名者要前来试镜。他们相约于月全蚀之夜,在一栋森林中的偏远豪宅见面,原本只是要请对方分享自己的灵异经验,没想到竟弄假成真,变调成一场挥之不去的恐怖梦魇。When aspiring horror filmmakers post an online casting call looking for "real life" monsters to interview for their upcoming documentary called, The Monster Project, they find three individuals claiming to be a skin-walker, a vampire, and a demon. Meeting these monsters at a remote mansion in the woods on the night of a total lunar eclipse, the filmmakers invite the three subjects to share their haunting, personal experiences. Working on the crew is a recovering drug addict who suffers withdrawal and paranoia. As a person of faith, he fears his friends underestimate the dark powers they are summoning. When the interviews turn deadly, he must battle the demons, inside and out, to escape the house and defeat the rise of evil incarnate.