在那次冒险的3年之后,查理已经被治好并相信吸血鬼是不存在的了。直到四个素不相识的人出现,并且有一个指出有个女吸血鬼就住在查理的隔壁,但查理和他的女友却把她的话视若无物。而随着时间一步步的推后,查理的新邻居开始露出真面目,她真的是个吸血鬼,她是杰里的妹妹,准备帮哥哥复仇,杀了查理。查理究竟能否逃出她的魔爪呢?Three years after killing the vampire in the original, Charlie has started to believe it was all his imagination and starts to forget that vampires truly exist - until four strangers lead by Regina, a noted actress, arrives at Peter Vincent's house and starts to have an unhealthy interest in Charlie, Peter and Charlie's new girlfriend Alex. It becomes clear that Regina is Jerry's (the vampire in the original film) sister and she is determined to get revenge on the friends and plans to turn Charlie into a vampire - so that he can face his punishment for all eternity.