摩根被人设计将有毒废物倒入他工作的矿区内,导致东非尚比亚数千里居民死亡,被当地政府驱逐出境。数月后,由杜邦处得知害他的史考特并没死,且藏身于当地反判军内,于是决定返非讨回名声,找出被藏匿的放射能污染物。怎知这一切其实都是北韩反叛军陈和杜邦图谋当年史考特和中情局从苏联劫来的铀棒,欲从中获取厚利。American mining expert, Rick Morgan, is the only person who can find a missing shipment of toxic waste that could kill thousands of innocent people. There are other powers that be who have very different plans for the cargo. Morgan ends up in the middle of factions fighting for money and power.