伯纳·布莱克(迪兰·莫兰 Dylan Moran 饰)是伦敦最荒唐的书店店主。他的书店脏乱不堪,营业时间随心所欲,财务状况乱七八糟。伯纳自己则是蓬头垢面,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁,想打烊了就拿着扩音器和扫帚驱赶顾客,还会因为懒得订书而不愿把书卖光。书店隔壁礼品店的女老板弗兰( 塔姆辛·格雷格 Tamsin Greig 饰)时常过来帮伯纳看店,是伯纳唯一的朋友。她喜欢搜集各种稀奇古怪的玩意儿,感情生活乱作一团。 一天伯纳的会计逃跑了。没了会计的伯纳算账到抓狂,崩溃之际遇到了曼尼(比尔·贝利 Bill Bailey 饰)。曼尼随和忍让,受到弗兰和顾客们的欢迎。伯纳在弗兰逼迫下不情愿的聘用了曼尼,从此布莱克书店里每天都上演着令人捧腹的荒诞戏码。 本剧全三季,主演迪兰·莫兰亦是剧集编剧。Bernard Black runs his own bookshop even though he doesn't much like people who buy books and hates having customers. Next door to Bernard's shop is the Nifty Gifty gift shop run by Fran, probably Bernard's only friend in the world. When Bernard's accountant goes on the run Bernard employs stress victim, Manny to help in his shop. This leads to a series of surreal adventures around the shop.