影片改编自获2014年普利策奖提名的同名戏剧,讲述罗伊丝·史密斯饰演的86岁女主角行将就木,她的记忆力一天比一天衰弱。有一天,一位长相帅气、与她逝去丈夫极为相像的男子来到她身边,通过讲故事帮助她慢慢回忆起往昔点滴。其实这位男子就是她的丈夫,只不过通过神奇的科技手段“重回人间”,在同一手段的帮助下,女儿、女婿等亲友也都来和她“见面”了。 影片在圣丹斯电影节上荣获评委会特别奖,感动无数观众。当爱的人都远离我们,只剩下曾经共同生活的记忆,这些差点被遗忘的记忆被渐渐提起时,随之浮现的温暖的生活细节,也越来越动人……In the near future, a time of artificial intelligence: 86-year-old Marjorie - a jumble of disparate, fading memories - has a handsome new companion who looks like her deceased husband and is programmed to feed the story of her life back to her. What would we remember, and what would we forget, if given the chance? MARJORIE PRIME is based on Jordan Harrison's Pulitzer-nominated play, exploring memory and identity, love and loss