巴里(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)是隶属于美国航空公司的一名飞行员,长期遭受公司压榨的他被中情局特工蒙迪(多姆纳尔·格里森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)招募,蒙迪将巴里派往南美洲,进行秘密的任务。 某日,大毒枭巴布洛找到了巴里,命令巴里替他运送毒品至美国国境之内,碍于自己的身份和所背负的任务,巴里只得就范。当巴里的运毒行为曝光后,为了保护这位特工,蒙迪挺身而出,将他和他的妻子露西(莎拉·赖特 Sarah Wright 饰)送往位于阿肯色州的一个偏僻小镇保护了起来。巴里的生意越做越大,他不仅继续运送毒品,甚至还做起了贩卖军火的生意。Barry Seal was just an ordinary pilot who worked for TWA before he was recruited by the CIA in 1978. His work in South America eventually caught the eye of the Medellín Cartel, associated with Pablo Escobar, who needed a man with his skill set. Barry became a drug trafficker, gun smuggler and money launderer. Soon acquiring the title, 'The gringo that always delivers'.