在南斯拉夫与阿尔巴尼亚边境的一间哨所里,帕西科中尉(Emir Hadzihafizbegovic 饰)过着醉生梦死、百无聊赖的日子。一次极度压抑的风流快活之后,她突然感到下体一阵刺痛。经连队中唯一当过医生的士兵西尼撒(Toni Gojanovic 饰)检查得知,帕西科不幸感染了梅毒,而治疗大概需要三周左右。为了不让妻子知晓,愚蠢的帕西科竟然下达一条荒唐的命令。他声称阿尔巴尼亚企图入侵南斯拉夫,全连进入战备状态,一个人都不准离开。 蒙在鼓里的士兵们信以为真,而西尼撒也因此和中尉的老婆发展出一段危险的恋情……A small border post on the Yugoslav-Albanian border in the spring of 1987. Frustrated and always drunk, lieutenant Pasic feels a strange pain in his groins. He seeks help from the only doctor among the soldiers, Sinisa, who diagnoses a sexually transmitted disease. Not wishing his wife to know about it and trying to find excuses not to go home, he declares a state of emergency, claiming that the Albanian army is preparing an attack against Yugoslavia. A joke transforms into war hysteria: soldiers dig trenches, Pasic grows wilder as the days go by, Sinisa embarks on a dangerous liaison, and his best friend Ljuba decides to leave the army. The situation slowly runs out of control...