Alek被相处三年的女友Teodora抛弃,绝望之际,但是他不愿承认这段感情已经结束,他的朋友Bane让他继续和Teodora联系。然而,Teodora已经爱上了Nemanjain。可是Nemanjain并不爱她,Nemanjain爱着年轻的女孩Marina。不幸的是,Marina却迷上了颓废的Alek。Alek is desperate because Teodora has left him after a three years being together. He is suffering, he is apathetic and is mentioning suicide constantly, he simply doesn't want to accept that the relationship is over. He has self-pitying sessions with his friend Bane everyday. Despite Bane's advice, Alek keeps calling Teodora who has fallen in love with Nemanja in the meantime. However decisive and tough Teodora is when she is with Alek, she is as indulgent and helpless when she is spending time with Nemanja. The problem is that Nemanja is not in love with her but with Marina, a girl by a few years younger. Unfortunately, Marina is not in love with him, she is very attracted to Alek's "Slavic depression". She doesn't know that reason for his "charm of a desperate" is his failure with Teodora, she thinks Alek was born like that.