上方落语界的大师笑满庭桥鹤(长门裕之 饰)弥留之际留下了想看女人下体的笑话,直至守灵之夜仍引得弟子们阵阵发笑。回忆起师傅生前发生的种种趣事,众人兴起之余抬着师傅的尸体跳起了死者之舞。不久大师兄桥次(笹野高史 饰)去世,围绕大师兄的死因又勾起了师兄弟们浓厚的“性趣”,关于桥次灾难体质的掌故亦再次为他们所提起。白事接二连三,师娘志津子(富司纯子 饰)遽然离世,这群以讲述笑话引人发笑的落语者以他们独有的方式为逝者们一一送别…… 笑中带泪,好一出食色性的悲喜人生。A dying old man named Shomantei has one last request. It is a different one. He would like to see the vagina of a young and pretty virgin. The family scrambles to fulfill his wish, but soon there is a series of events that take the setting from burlesque to morbid. Has the man's last wishes been answered or was there something amiss?